For those of you who don't took us awhile to get pregnant with our second child. We thought about expanding our family right before Kylie's third birthday. In fact, we were enjoying a wonderful family vacation in Oahu, Hawaii when we decided it was time to start! It was very scary, but also very exciting. However, after months had passed, I wasn't getting my cycle and we weren't pregnant. We were concerned. We had NO problem getting pregnant the first time. Was there something wrong? After finding the most amazing doctor ever, she determined that I wasn't ovulating, hence my absent cycles. But, after a few rounds of Clomid, which induces ovulation, we were unsuccessful. Over the next couple of years we waited to see if anything would happen on its own, but nothing did. My doctor suggested trying the Clomid again and after two failed attempts, she referred me to a fertility clinic. I left her office in tears that day thinking that we may not be able to have another baby. But, I immediately cheered myself up because we were already so blessed with a perfect, healthy girl. How could I be so selfish wanting ANOTHER baby when there are so many women out there who cannot have one. Therefore, I continued to focus my love and energy on the perfect girl I already had. Right before Kylie turned 7, I made an appointment at the fertility clinic and I was so lucky that they determined that nothing was wrong with me. She advised me to reduce my running (at that time I was running 30-35 miles a week as I had just completed my second half marathon a few months prior) put on some weight in hopes that my cycles would regulate on their own. We returned from Disneyland where we had SO. MUCH. FUN. and I started spotting...which was very unusual for me. I attributed it to my non existing cycle and perhaps my Dland indulges and lack of runs were finally delivering my period....but it never came....I was apprehensive to purchase a pregnancy test of more, but when the spotting stopped I had to. I will NEVER forget the feelings of joy, happiness and tears as it read positive! It still gives me the goosies today!